That's how it started..
Not long after that, I came up with and created the 'NO!' with the horns on it. NO! 2 Bullies was born, without even realising it.
At the start of this year, I admit, I was down, very upset and self-concious. But, I got over it and found the positive in it, not straight away of course, it took time, but in the long run, I'm actually glad it happened to me. It has made me a stronger person!
Not only am I a stronger person, look where I am now! I have my own campaign which is gaining huge support and which I hope will support others and make others find a positive in their experience.
If someone knocks you down, get back up! It will make you a stronger person, it might be hard to start with, but nothing comes easy, everything takes hard work and a lot of passion!