Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Well, what a GREAT start to a GREAT week !


Received a cheque on Saturday from Dick Smith for NO! 2 Bullies
- so thank you very much Mr Smith!


Yesterday, received a letter in the mail from Premier Anna Bligh!

*   *   *
Keep an eye out - Premier Anna Bligh now owns a NO! 2 Bullies tee-shirt.
You never know, you might just see her out and about in it.
If that were to happen though, I'd want to be able to proudly say
"OMG! I've got the same shirt!"
Well, maybe minus the OMG.. I mean hello!
You're speaking to the Premier of Queensland!! :P

Oh wait, I can! But can you? Order your shirt nowwww!



Can't wait to see what else is going to happen this week!

Started as a great week and it's definitely going to end as a great one!

Ellee's sixteeeeeeenth!
Sunday 19th September 2010

Let's party! Bully-free for everyone!!


Are you a fan of NO!2Bullies on Facebook?
No? Why not?! ..
That's ok - here's the link:


Sunday, August 29, 2010

How did it all start?

Like many others, I experienced a form of bullying. I finally had had enough, I was determined not to take it anymore! After going through it for so long, the school I attended could find no positive solution to the problem - except go sit under a tree. My form teacher was very supportive and a great moral help. One teacher alone can't solve the problem though. Following that, I asked my Mum if I could be home schooled. My Mum communicated with the school a few times, there were no solutions, so my Mum agreed to home school me.

That's how it started..

Not long after that, I came up with and created the 'NO!' with the horns on it. NO! 2 Bullies was born, without even realising it.

At the start of this year, I admit, I was down, very upset and self-concious. But, I got over it and found the positive in it, not straight away of course, it took time, but in the long run, I'm actually glad it happened to me. It has made me a stronger person!

Not only am I a stronger person, look where I am now! I have my own campaign which is gaining huge support and which I hope will support others and make others find a positive in their experience.

If someone knocks you down, get back up! It will make you a stronger person, it might be hard to start with, but nothing comes easy, everything takes hard work and a lot of passion!

NO! 2 Bullies Vid